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Aerodesin (Lysoform) with a sprayer, Aerodesin with a sprayer, 1 l.
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Aerodesin, 1 l, Aerodisin (Blanidas) Ukraine,
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Aerodesin, 5 l, Aerodisin (Blanidas) Ukraine,
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AHD 2000 Express 1 liter (with dispenser)
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AHD 2000 Express 250 ml (with dispenser)
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Bacillol AF, Bacillol AF, Bacillol, Bacillol AF, 5 l. OFFICIAL
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Bacillol BODE AF, Bacillol AF, Bacillol AF 1 l. OFFICIAL!!!!
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Blanidas Active (Amicept), 1 liter
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Bodedex Forte (Bodedex Forte) 2 l
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Diasol (Diasol) - liquid for cleaning diamond tools, 1 liter
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Diasol - liquid for cleaning diamond tools, 125g
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Disinfectant wipes in soft packaging AHD 100 pcs.
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Elbow dispenser dispenser RX 5 M (500 ml), white
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Elbow dispenser for hygienic dosing of antiseptics, soap and cream 1 l
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Elbow dispenser for hygienic dosing of antiseptics, soap and cream 500 ml
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Famidez AF 10 l
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2 273.00грн.
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The disinfectant must be chosen depending on the risk of infection through each specific instrument. In our online store, you can purchase substances for performing all the necessary manipulations that allow you to comply with sanitary standards. All means are characterized by two main advantages - safety and efficiency. Chemical substances are packaged in a convenient container, you can choose any required volume. Quality certificates are provided for all tools.

Types of disinfection depending on the risk of infection

Mandatory sterilization is required for all instruments that come into direct contact with open areas of the oral cavity, wounds, and various injuries. This group includes periodontal probes, cuvettes and other instruments.

Sterilization, chemical treatment of surgical instruments is allowed if there are no open wounds in the oral cavity. A dental mirror or other instrument belongs to this category.

The least intensive disinfection is required for all objects and materials that come into contact only with the patient's skin. This category includes furniture, a dental chair, and doctor's clothing.

Types of disinfection and sterilization of instruments

· High-temperature thermal sterilization is the most effective method for processing hard tools made of metal alloys or steel.

· Mechanical disinfection in dentistry is mandatory every day and consists of wet cleaning of the office, washing of medical clothes and all fabric products that are in constant use.

· Biological disinfection is carried out using natural antimicrobial agents. But it is ineffective against some microorganisms and HIV.

· Microwave disinfection of medical instruments is suitable for processing instruments that belong to the low, medium category of infection. Ultraviolet rays are used for rapid disinfection of only those instruments that do not come into contact with open wounds.

· Chemical disinfection consists in the use of aggressive chemicals that kill all possible viruses and bacteria. This method is used to process glass, plastic, and rubber products that cannot be exposed to temperature.

Sterilization procedure

Solutions for disinfection of tools are used at the first stage - disinfection. The tools are placed in a container or a special device with the substance. Its composition and procedure time depends on the type of instrument. Then the tools are washed for 1 minute in running water and distilled water. All instruments, which have various small elements, are processed in an ultrasonic sterilizer with a disinfecting solution. Then the tools are packed in a bag in a special machine. Such a procedure is necessary for those products that will be further sterilized by steam in an autoclave. After the packages are placed on the tray, the required temperature and time are selected, and the sterilized instruments are stored hermetically closed in a dry state.